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Thu Mar 7th, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Grace Buttler

Name Grace Buttler

Position Junior Classman

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 10

Physical Appearance

Height 4'1"
Weight 53 lb
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description


Father David Buttler (deceased)
Mother Bonnie Buttler (deceased)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Mutant Power(s) Phytokinesis (1 - Emerging and not always controlled)

+ The user can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants, or by manifesting them anywhere they want. Requires basic element availability such as water, carbon dioxide, carbon, etc.

+ User can accelerate the growth of plants, rapidly turning barren lands into lush gardens or causing plants to overgrow and entangle opponents. Required elemental availability.

+ User can animate plants by thought including moving vines, branches, roots and even uprooting them to walk, move, carry, or do other animated tasks. Must be in close proximity and in line of sight.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests
Mutant Mastery X-1

Origin Story Grace Elizabeth Buttler's journey into the extraordinary began at the age of 10, a time when childhood innocence still clung to her, yet the complexities of her identity began to unravel. As an orphan navigating the challenges of the foster care system for several difficult years, Grace's life was marked by a constant search for belonging and understanding—a search that took a dramatic turn with the awakening of her mutant powers.

In an environment where stability was a rare commodity, Grace discovered she possessed the remarkable ability to manipulate and animate plant life. This revelation came not through grand gestures or catastrophic events, but through quiet moments of solitude and introspection. A seed, insignificant to the untrained eye, sprouted under her careful attention, not just breaking through the soil but flourishing with a vitality that defied the natural order.

Grace's imaginative mind and deep-seated longing for companionship gave birth to a figure she named "Anna," a humanoid figure crafted entirely from plants. Though not sentient in any traditional classification, Anna's creation is mostly subconscious, borne of a need such as a manifestation of Grace's desire for a friend, a silent ally in a world that seemed increasingly alien, a protector, a motherly figure.
Past Exploits