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Spotlight on Mutants with Barbara Walters- Episode 1; Iceman

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 9:25pm by Iris Walker & Bobby Drake

Mission: Episode 0: X Lang Syne
Location: Television

Ice. It’s everywhere- at least in the winter.

A man shovels snow, throws it at the camera.

But what if you could generate endless amounts of it in the summertime in a matter of seconds?

A lake freezes over in midsummer with a twenty foot snowman forming in the middle. The coal chunks for his eyes rose back and forth like his brow waggled.

Or travel via an ice highway you can make yourself.

The snowman erupts in a hail of sleet to reveal Iceman sliding directly toward the camera. The camera cuts away on a closeup of his cocky frozen grin.

On today’s episode of Spotlight on Mutants, we meet a man who can do exactly that- Bobby Drake, otherwise known as Iceman.

Barbara: Good afternoon. Thank you for joining me.

Bobby: Sure, Babs. Always happy to please a fan.

Barbara: (smiles) Let’s start with how you came to the Xavier mansion. What brought you here?

Bobby: I needed a fresh start in so many ways. Those details were expunged, so all I'll say is that I worked hard to become the man I am today.

Barbara: and who is the man you are today?

Bobby: I am Iceman! *arms flex high, then low, then Bobby winks at the camera*

Barbara: indeed you are. But what are your dreams? How do you feel about your current situation and the state of the world? What is your favorite color? That sort of thing.

Bobby: Uh... You're asking the big questions, aren't you? Heh. I don't know, Barbara. There's so much to unpack there. With so much going on in the world and wondering what my place in it could be, I'm going to have to say my favorite color is blue.

Barbara: (smiles) fair enough. I suppose I walked you right into that one, didn’t I?

Bobby: The Iceman cometh!!!

Barbara: All right, now it’s time to delve in. And keep in mind- you don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. But, let’s start at the beginning; where are you from?

Bobby: Nowheresville, New York. Pretty boring place. I went to prep school and got frosty. Rest is history.

Barbara: How did your powers first manifest?

Bobby: One day when I was showering, I froze the shower head clean off the wall. My parents never dreamed I was responsible and I didn't say anything.

Barbara: I can’t imagine anybody would think their kid froze a shower to death. How is your relationship with your family now?

Bobby: Pass.

Barbara: Understood. Before we wrap this up, is there anything else you would like our audience to know?

Bobby: Absolutely. I just want to tell all you gorgeous girls out there in TV Land that I am accepting applications for an Icewoman, care of your nearest X-Corporation affiliate office.

Barbara: (laughing) And I’m sure you’ll have them lined up out the doors and around the block. Thank you, Bobby, for your time.

Bobby: It was my genuine pleasure, Barbara. Stay frosty!


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