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A Fresh Start

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 5:50pm by Theodore (Theo) Winters & Charles Xavier

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: X-Mansion
Timeline: August 25th, 1990

Theo had been in a taxi more than a few times, he'd practically lived in the subway for a few months, and he could remember riding in the back of his parent's car from time to time. But, he had never had a car service pick up before.

But there had been a car waiting for him when he stepped out of the hospital

He walked up to the mansion door and knocked after he had been dropped off.

The double oak doors opened before Theo had finished knocking. Behind them was a grand hall and the same bald man from the hospital. Or who had somehow appeared there.

"Hello, Theo, and welcome!" Professor Charles Xavier gave him the same friendly smile from the day before. "We've been expecting you. Please, come inside!"

With a brief nod, the teen stepped inside the room. "Thank you, sir," His eyes swept the room. "This place is totally rad. Not to be rude, but how did you project yourself into my room? Was it astral projection? How powerful are you?"

Xavier looked impressed that young Theo knew about complex concepts like astral projection. ~Our way is not the way of power but of self-control, ~ The Professor's mind spoke directly inside Theo's head at first. But then Xavier created mirror images of himself, twelve in all, which stood up from his chair, encircled Theo, and extended a handshake. "Discipline is the only true power in the end that does not destroy us." His voice registered as audible in Theo's mind, like twelve versions of himself all speaking together.

"It's wonderful to hear that you already like it here," the Professor said aloud as if he had not just performed a telepathic flex. "You may stay for as long as you wish."

"Thanks, I've kind of been on my own for a while now. I ran away from home because my parents were trying to force Stryker's bull shit down my throat."

The Professor arched his eyebrow at the burst of profanity but didn't say anything.

"Excuse my language, as I said, I was on my own for a while and I got into some bad habits."

"That's quite all right," said Professor Xavier. "I do ask that you speak to your fellow students with respect though."

"Can you teach me that? You know control like you talked about? I don't have any mental abilities, but I can still be dangerous and I need to learn how to control it before I hurt someone, or even kill them."

"Absolutely," said the Professor. "In fact, I have a secure facility in the basement just for that purpose. But first, we should get you settled. Do you mind having a roommate or do we need to find you private accommodations?"

"I can always find a place to be alone if I need to. It's a big house after all. I'm cool with a roommate. Did you have somebody in mind?"

The Professor nodded. "Yes. There's a young man about your age named Max. I have a feeling the two of you may get on very well."

"Tell me more about him. What is he like? What can he do?"

"All in good time," the Professor said with a chuckle. "Some things are best heard from the horse's mouth."

"I can live with that," Theo said. "You were in my head just now. Were you reading my thoughts? What do you know about me?"

The Professor shook his head. "I can project my thoughts far and wide, but I maintain a strict code of ethics not to glean the thoughts of others without permission and consent. If there is anything you want me to know, you had better tell me directly."

"That's good to know, I guess. I mean I'm not a bad kid, I try to do the right thing and think the right kinds of thoughts, but I'm not perfect."

"That's quite all right," the Professor said with a chuckle. "We are all a work in progress. Was there something in particular that concerned you?"

"I'll save you the sad sob story. You've probably heard them since the school opened, and I'm sure some kids have been through a whole lot. I have it pretty good. I mean I have two parents that love me. Sort of. In a twisted kind of way. But at least I have them. So, I don't need your sympathy."

There was more to it. The Professor could feel it, so he just prompted Theo to continue with a nod.

"But there is something I've had a hard time dealing with. I keep having flashes of memory from when I was forced to wear that collar. How do I deal with them?"

That was a very complicated question, one which would take several hours of therapy at the minimum to address. "I expect we will be talking about that together for some time," the Professor said. He took a breath. "For now, Theo, just try to remember that what's past is past. Even though the feelings are very real and reach forward to the present, those events cannot hurt you any longer. Remind yourself as often as you can. You may come to me anytime you feel overwhelmed."

"I hear what you're saying. I do. And I get that I'm not going to be cured overnight. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Like I said some of the other kids have probably had it worse. There is one thing though I kinda need some immediate help on. I had a nightmare last night. A bad one. Is there a way to stop those? I can put up with the rest of the sh..stuff for now."

"Dreams are the mind's attempts to realize or process something," the Professor said. "The only way to address a recurring nightmare is to consider what is prompting it. Once that is resolved, the dreams usually stop."

"Well, I have a pretty good idea it's because of something that happened when I had the collar on. But how do I figure out what it is?"

The Professor smiled at him. "We can schedule some therapy time and investigate it together. Until then, however, I welcome you to make yourself at home and encourage you to meet some of the other students. We offer communal meals but they are not mandatory; you're welcome to eat in the scullery or elsewhere, so long as you clean after yourself."

"I kind of like cooking, so maybe I'll do that some of the time. But I think mostly I'll just eat with everyone else. If you don't have anything more for me, sir, I think I'll go ask my roommate."

"That sounds like a great idea," said the Professor. "And once again, Theo, welcome!"


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