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Weathering the Storm

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 8:21pm by Jean Grey & Scott Summers
Edited on on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 8:22pm

Mission: Episode 0: X Lang Syne
Location: Mansion - Salem Center City Limits
Timeline: September 1986

This Post Contains Adult Content

It had been raining for the past three days which in turn created the constant sound of stomping footsteps and shouting down the halls, a too loud television, and inevitable but intermittent bickering throughout the school. Without the ability to go outside, there was enough pent up tension amongst the students to put the very foundation of the mansion on edge.

With few options for seclusion and a moment of privacy within the mansion, Jean found herself waiting for Scott in the attic. Poorly lit, cold, dusty, and stuffy, it was a place best suited for boxes and drop cloth covered furniture but it was better than any alternatives found in the living spaces or even the basement of the mansion, all of which were already occupied by some aspect of the student body.

Scott would have had to search for Jean when he climbed the wooden ladder into the attic had he not heard Jean sneeze from her position behind a stack of boxes and an old dress form.

“Jean?!” he called out with a half chuckle. “What are you doing all the way back there?”

As if he didn't know. The sight was just too much at that moment. He pulled a hankie from his back pocket and offered it to her once he'd closed the distance between them.

“I was just looking for a place to escape to.” Jean graciously accepted his hankie and dapped her nose before sneezing yet again. ‘For us to escape to’ was Jean’s bashful way to describe their liaisons, at least when it came to talking about them. Her actions however, spoke much louder than any words. “I have a hard time around here. But on days like today, and yesterday it’s hard to shut everyone out. They’re practically screaming at me.”

As someone who liked personal space and kept feelings close to his chest, Scott could relate after a fashion. But when he felt crowded or bothered, the solution was simply making himself scarce. He knew for Jean, it wasn't as simple as disappearing for a while. No one could escape from what they carry inside, even if what they carried came from someone else's mind.

“I'm sorry…” he said with a sympathetic cringe. “What can I do to help?”

“Just sit with me and keep me company.” Jean looked up at him and smiled before patting the creaky boards next to her. ~*‘Let me lose myself in you.’ *~ Far too brazen of a statement for a sheepish Jean to say out loud but it was the sentiment that had fueled this soirée from the get go.

~Lose yourself in me? I seem to remember it being the other way around~ It was a filthy thought but Scott couldn't help himself. Not only was it true; it was also sure to make Jean blush furiously.

Scott sat down next to her and slid his long arm around her shoulders, encouraging Jean to cuddle against him. Physical contact had become only more natural in the past few months. Even chaste touching was reflexive, like a connection had been formed at the base level between them and was only ever complete when they were in each other's arms.

“Is that better?” The corners of his mouth ticked up in delight.

Jean closed her eyes and turned her attention towards him. The feel of his arm around her shoulders, the warmth of him in the cool attic, the regular sound of his breathing, the calming presence of his mind. It was all so inviting and welcoming compared to the garbled mess of downstairs.

“Much.” Jean confirmed as she draped an arm across him and buried her face in his neck. “Can’t we do this until the rain stops?”

“Fine by me.” Scott closed his eyes and relished the sensation of her nuzzling face. It made him hold her all the tighter against his side. “I obviously wasn’t going anywhere today anyway,” he said, followed by a mirthless chuckle that fell flat. “When we were little… I used to get so bored. What does it mean now that boring isn’t so bad after all?”

“It means you have someone to spend your time with and downtime isn’t such a bad thing anymore.” Jean brushed her lips against his skin, it wasn’t quite a kiss but was still an affectionate gesture that created a small thrill between them.

The gesture was still enough to bring a smile back to Scott's face.

“Your loneliness would make me so sad.” She confessed, a casual admission to knowing more than she probably should have as a child. But then again, Scott had never hidden anything from her.

“I’m so happy you aren’t lonely anymore and that I’m the reason why.” Her lips brushed against his skin as she spoke, it tickled slightly and despite his desire to sit still, Jean felt him squirm a little from it.

Scott thought back to those days. So dark, so isolated. “I was lonely and didn't know it,” he said, his voice airy from recollection. “Not until I made a friend who showed me what I'd been missing.”

A delayed reaction from the tickle of her lips turned his squirm into a shiver.

“I don't know what I'd do without you, Jean.” Although he'd said it plainly, the emotive content was ablaze. His heart put the lie to his tone. Between her present affection and the jog down memory lane, Scott found himself in another moment of vulnerability. And that was just fine with him. There was nowhere else he'd rather be.

“I feel the same way.” Jean wrapped her other arm around him and held on tightly. She never grew tired of hearing these shared affirmations. When the rest of the world tried to drown her in their voices it was Scott who held on to her.

Jean leaned forward and kissed him, a soft whisper of a kiss that mimicked the touch her hushed words had created against his skin. The delicate foreplay caused a second shiver through her.

The kiss led Scott to close his eyes, all the better to drink it in. Her featherlight touch only made him crave more. When returned her kiss, Scott pressed more firmly with his lips against hers.

“No fair,” he said once their lips parted. “You always know what to do.”

Jean bashfully giggled from his remark, the idea of having any type of sexual prowess was a novel and embarrassing one.

“It’s more like educated guesses.” Jean’s lips left his and traveled down the center of his throat, her breathy kisses lingered on his Adam’s apple before they continued. -* ‘But we could do things that you think about, if you want to.’ *~

Scott swallowed against her lips and repressed the tremor that she brought out in him. Now she was being even less fair. Not that he was going to complain.

~I guess there's no point in pretending I don't know what you mean~ Being naked before her thoughts was nothing short of a thrill. After so many years of her reading his thoughts, there was no fear in it. Only a thrill from being perfectly understood.

“Good guess,” Scott said aloud, his voice quaking from burgeoning desire.

Jean sat up suddenly as her brow furrowed from something that had caught her attention. She seemed worried and concerned as her green eyes focused on the area of the house where the television was. But the look of disapproval soon left her face once she realized what was happening.

“Lorna is watching Sophie’s Choice and absolutely sobbing over it.” Jean huffed out loud, momentarily irritated by the false sense of dread that had been instilled in her.

She looked back towards Scott, who was now at alert thanks to her concern. Whatever mood had started between them had evaporated thanks to her false alarm.

“I’m sorry. I’m having such a hard time keeping them out today.” She ran a hand across her forehead as if the caress would suddenly fix her problem. “I need a cone of silence.”

Scott chuckled in sympathy at her dilemma. Her anxious reactions reminded him of her other occasional hardships, particularly her monthly cycles. That inspired him to try a new tack.

“Come on,” he guided her to pivot and turn around. “Give me your back.”

The attic creaked below her as she moved and Jean wondered who’s bedroom they were above and what rumor about giant rats their noise would create.

He already began kneading at her shoulders before she complied. It wouldn't solve everything, but maybe it would help set her at ease. His strong, nimble fingers contended against thick tension in her normally soft flesh.

“You're super tense,” he said. That wasn't news to either of them. He was just shocked at how hard his fingertips had to bite into her in order to do any good. “I'm so sorry, Jean.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, it’s not your fault.” She closed her eyes and savored the feeling of his hands as they kneaded and worked their way across her shoulders. The tension had crept in slowly over the past few days and she too hadn’t realized how uncomfortable it had made her.

“It’s not anyone’s fault really, it’s just…stupid rain.” Jean’s words failed her a little before she made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a moan as Scott’s hands began to relax some of the tightness in her shoulders.

She had to bite her lower lip when his fingers found a knot between her shoulder blades but the torture of it soon dissipated and Scott felt her body start to soften thanks to his attention. He also felt the return of her psychic presence as she began to relax. Rather than work so hard to keep everyone out Jean let Scott in.

~* ‘Thank you’ *~ Her voice was gentle and calm in that shared space between them.

The pressure in Scott's hands began to relent along with the tension in Jean's shoulders. Before long, he was more caressing than massaging, his palms forming light circles across Jean’s neck, shoulders, and back.

~Anytime~ He let out a contented sigh at the resumption of their psychic bond. It didn't happen all the time, at least not to the degree of conscious thought. Even just a basic awareness where surface feelings flowed between each other was delightful. Being able to share actual thoughts, though, bonded them so strongly that even the word love didn't always seem to capture the feeling.

But it still felt good to say. “I love you, Jean.” It was whispered like a private confession despite the fact there was no one around to overhear them.

“I love you, Scott.” She returned the sweet words in that same hushed tone before leaning back and against him.

Jean wrapped his arms around her shoulders in an embrace before she placed her hands over his, a silent request for him to hold her close and never let go. He felt her body relax into his, under his snug hold on her Jean finally sighed out of content. That is before the noise below them continued.




The overzealous conversation about wrestling traveled up into the attic as the boys below appeared to only be able to shout about the topic.

Jean couldn’t help but groan in protest, every corner of this school had been like this since the rain started.

“Can we leave?” She suggested “We don’t have to go far, I just can’t handle this place anymore.”

It didn't take telepathy for the voices to be irksome. Scott felt his jaw click with growing tension himself.

“Yes,” he said. “Let me grab the keys to the Jeep. Meet me down in the garage? I'll help you roll the top up.”

Jean squeezed him briefly before standing up, a touch more enthusiasm in the movement than what was called for. They traversed the frail wooden ladder of the attic with only a few glances from the boys lost in WWF discussion.

Parting ways in the main hallway, Jean made her way to the garage and found the attachment of the cover to the Jeep to be rather simple. She tugged and zipped it on her own thanks to her telekinesis. She was closing the last few snaps shut by the time Scott arrived.

“We’re ready.” Jean said with an eager smile over her shoulder as Scott approached. It was fun to see her so excited over something so mundane.

Scott paused for a second, surprised that she'd done it by herself and so quickly. “Alright, then…” There was no shortage of surprises with Jean. He stopped questioning and opened the passenger door for her to climb inside. “Let’s go.”

The Jeep crept out of the garage and rolled down the driveway in a low-gear crawl. Without any destination in mind or any compelling reason to go any faster, Scott just enjoyed the pitter-patter of rain against the windshield and canvas tarp that accented Jean’s company.

“That’s better,” Scott quipped for the both of them. The rhythm of the rainfall made him start tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to a certain beat.

~Riding along in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel…~

“Chuck Berry?” Jean laughed at the old song he was thinking about, it wasn’t his usual choice in music.

Scott hadn’t even realized that he had that song on his mind. Sometimes Jean knew him better than he knew himself. It was a little scary but mostly Scott found comfort in his best friend and, let’s face it, intended life partner knowing him from the inside out.

~* ‘I stole a kiss at the turn of the mile’ *~
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, acting out the lyrics. Jean’s mood was already improving as they left the school and all its irritating thoughts.

“Maybe that’s what I wanted all along,” Scott said with a chuckle. With every passing minute away from the mansion, the air was clearing even if not the weather. He could feel his own tension dissipating with just him, Jean, and the road.

She leaned back in her seat and ran her fingers through her bright red hair before Jean sighed again, this time the sound was more like a breath of fresh air than a release of discomfort. She was finally able to let go and drop her guard completely and Scott felt the full force of her ebullient and loving self. “Where should we go? Not into town.”

No people. Good idea. A little alone time would do them both good. “Well, there’s an off-road trail half an hour up the road here. Alex and I tested out the 4x4 last month. Little bumpy but there’s not another soul for miles.”

“Perfect.” Jean replied almost before he finished. A drive into the woods and into isolation sounded too good to be true. She found their time alone together to be a centering force for her. When things drifted and became overwhelming it was only with him that they returned to their aligned and manageable positions.

Scott had always been a place of refuge for her but as time continued to pass and their relationship became deeper, it was becoming harder and harder for her to deny how much she depended on him. It was a little scary but mostly Jean found comfort in her best friend and, let’s face it, intended life partner knowing her from the inside out.

“Do you think that you want to get married someday?” She dared to ask a rather adult question to a teenage Scott.

“Sure. Why not?” It was as loaded of a question as could be asked between a young couple, but Scott had his answer ready and knocked it out of the park without hesitation. There were times he was a man of few words, though, and he was afraid this might be one of them. He allowed his mind to drift so that his tightly wound thought processes would let his feelings rise to the surface.

“I had a family once but I don’t remember them…” Scott tried to compare Alex’s face from that year to the blurry recollection from when he was younger. They just didn’t match, no matter how much he wished they did. If not for the Professor’s confirmation, Alex could have been a stranger to him. “I want a family again, Jean. So, yeah. I don’t know what getting married even looks like really…” Scott bit his lip. Why was this so hard to talk about? Normally he could talk to Jean about anything. “... I don’t know what it looks like but I know I want it… because getting married is how you start a family.”

~And I could start it with you~ The feeling came flushing to the top of his throat with a torrent of emotion. Scott swallowed the lump but let the sentiment linger in his thoughts where Jean could skim it with ease.

Jean reached out for him as he spoke, the emotion and sensitivity of the topic was known, but she really hadn’t connected all the dots together when she asked the question. The want for a family of his own and the hole inside of him that created, just the idea of having that blank space filled was enough to create a surge of emotions inside of Scott. He may not have fully understood why the topic pulled on his heartstrings as much as it did but she understood what all of those things meant for him; a place that belonged to him, that cherished him, a place that was filled with people he felt the same about. Scott wanted a home that unequivocally was his own.

They were still so young, maybe too young to really know what they wanted for themselves but she couldn’t deny what her heart said to her. Jean touched his cheek and turned his eyes towards her rather than the road ahead.

“I love you, Scott, and I want to be your family. I want to create a family with you, for you. I want to be that person who feels like home to you because that’s what you do for me.” She shared that pang of want with him, it was a tug in her heart that pulled her to him.

Scott was already slowing down as they approached the turnoff. Maybe it had only been half an hour because they’d driven the whole way with the 4x4 hubs locked in like total idiots. He let the wheel drift to the shoulder for a moment while he processed Jean’s pledge.

“You already are,” he said at length. A bead began to streak down his cheek, a lone tear that carried the full weight behind his simple statement. He looked up the trail and how it was already sodden with the ground turning to mud. “I know where this path goes. That’s why I wanted to go down it with you.”

There was a double meaning to his words, a ploy he often used with Jean. Giving her access to his mind meant that he could often say much with so little. A small smile came to his face despite the teardrop on his cheek. “Are you ready? It gets bumpy from here.”

Jean wiped away the lone tear that ran down his cheek. These moments of vulnerability that he shared with her and no one else, they made her love him even more. She returned that small smile he gave her, her own eyes threatening to shed a tear or two. “Yes, I’m ready. It doesn’t matter how bumpy the road gets. As long as we travel it together, everything will work out in the end.”

She let go of her hold on his cheek and allowed him to return his eyes and focus to the road ahead of them. “And who knows, maybe the bumps will make the trip a little bit more fun.”

“Now you're getting the idea,” Scott said with a smirk. He punched the gas and sent the Jeep roaring down the trail. Muddy gravel kicked up behind them as the wheels sign for traction.

Between their loving wordplay and the thrill of rally bombing a muddy road in a Jeep, Scott's smiled split across his entire face. The Jeep bounced high enough to put Scott's head against the canvas. He felt the water displacement on the other side.

“Doing okay?” His voice shook from the jostling. “I can slow down if you want.”

Despite the offer, Scott shifted gears. The Jeep surged ahead even faster into a corner. Scott braked at the last second, shifted into neutral, jerked the wheel into an overcorrection with both hands, then shifted back into low gear. The engine whined in protest but the torque dug the wheels into the mud. He punched the throttle again, sending them into a controlled power slide through the curve and down into the next one.

“I don’t think it would matter if I said I was or I wasn’t…” Jean held onto the passenger side grab handle while her other hand went to the dashboard for stabilization. “You’re having far too much fun.”

She made a small squeak of a sound as they bounced down the trail and her body became momentarily airborne before she squeezed her eyes shut when they drifted through the turns.

Thankfully, Jean smiled along with him because the drive felt more like a roller coaster or midway ride. She trusted Scott emphatically; there were moments in their lives when he actually held her life in his hands, so this bumpy ride through the woods felt like nothing more than a harmless thrill.

“But yes, I’m doing fine.” Jean laughed the words before her whole body was bounced and jolted into the air again. “I’m more concerned for the Jeep at this point.”

“Don’t be!” Scott downshifted much to the transmission’s chagtin. “She was made to be ridden hard!”

The trail descended into a small glen that was about the size of a circle with the Jeep as its radius. Scott grinned harder.

“Hold on…”

Donuts. Scott was doing donuts with tree trunks mere yards away from the rear bumper. The engine roared against the brakes as Scott pitted them against each other. Above it all, he let out a long, raucous roar.

After testing up the glen into a sodden mess, Scott pulled the emergency brake, cut the engine, and let the Jeep slide to a stop.

“Ha!” he cheered with glee, then turned a proud look at Jean. “Don't tell Alex. We kinda’ agreed not to do that.”

Scott’s occasionally impulsive nature always left her momentarily stunned, those were the few moments when he truly caught her off guard and surprised her. This muddy joyride was no exception and it left Jean with her eyes tightly closed and shaking her head until her laughter subsided. “No, I won’t say anything to Alex.”

She opened her eyes and let go of her tight grip now that the Jeep had come to a complete stop. Scott was still grinning from ear to ear and he was beaming with total elation from the drive. Jean would never snitch on him, especially when it made Scott so happy.

“You seem awfully pleased with yourself for doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing.” Jean said with a smirk before pulling him in for a celebratory kiss.

Drinking in her kiss made Scott feel a different sort of thrill. He breathed a little heavy from the excitement. The celebratory kiss hung long between them and turned into several shorter ones before they finally pulled apart.

“Now who's pleased with themselves?” Scott asked, his breath still heightened. He felt a familiar flutter in his chest. “You can do that again, you know.”

“I’ll do all of it again.” Her words filled with innuendo as Jean reached out and held his head in her hands. She looked at him momentarily, as if trying to memorize a face she already knew by heart. That flutter of his pulse and his heavy breathing, it stirred her own already wanting body for more.

She leaned forward and kissed him. A touch of that building excitement in the gesture that made the press of her lips to his a touch firmer than necessary while her tongue was a little more assertive than what was required.

Scott opened his mouth and met her assertive tongue with his own. The taste of Jean only added to the thrill Scott had been feeling. Jean was always so demure and proper, yet he knew behind her prim exterior beat the heart of a passionate lover. She never failed to draw the same out in him.

When he got forward, though, it didn’t reflect the warm, carnal subtlety that Jean lavished on him in tantalizing measured portions. Scott always struggled to hold back, resisting the urge to ravage her…especially whenever she kissed him like that.

“Forever and again,” he said, finally responding to her words with the confession of love they had pledged to each other during their first time in full intimacy. It was a phrase that would hold a special meaning until the day he died. That moment had changed him forever and he wanted to experience it again.

Scott's excitement got the better of him. He unfastened his seatbelt and freed Jean from hers as well, his hands coming alive with a mind of their own. Before he knew it, Scott was tugging Jean to join him in his seat. However she managed was fine with him. He just wanted to be close to her.

Jean tittered through their heated kiss as Scott’s hands enthusiastically tugged on the curves of her hips in a request for her to join him in the driver’s seat. The urgent and hungry desire that immediately ignited between them was exactly what she had been craving and to find it matched inside of Scott, it was a rush that left her giddy for more.

She advanced over the stick shift and into Scott’s lap, the movements were clunky at first but Jean’s knee gently slipped across his thighs until she managed to straddle him. She took a moment to admire her minor accomplishment before she began to remove her shirt, her elbows honking the horn several times throughout the process of tugging and pulling at the article of clothing. Each beep made her giggle in return and it only continued to fuel the antsy and lively energy building inside of her. Stripped of her shirt and with slightly mussed hair, Jean looked down at Scott with a wide grin on her face and a buzz of enthusiasm that coursed through her.

She took a brief moment to take him in and soak up the mutual excitement that flowed between them before she leaned forward and kissed him again. Jean returned to her lively and vivacious affection as Scott felt the nip and tug of her teeth mingled with the hard press of her mouth upon him as she lavished heavy and forceful kiss after kiss upon him.

No more hints and teasing. This was happening. Scott let out an inward sigh of relief that Jean hadn't resisted his advances. If anything, he'd only encouraged her. The honking was an appropriate expression for what they both were feeling.

And then the shirt was lost. Scott sucked wind immediately, as the breath he'd taken was no longer enough to fuel his heart rate. Jean's love bites only made it beat stronger. While wrestling with her lips in aggressive passion, his hands instinctively grasped for her hips and seized them tightly.

“Oh, Jean…” Scott let out a sharp moan as the already considerable pressure that her straddle set up on his lap increased with his grasping her backside. For a moment, nothing else existed, just Jean, her insatiable mouth, and the warm press of her body.

Jean rolled her hips with a single crushing press of herself into him that matched the eager way his hands pulled her closer. The movement lacked a seductive rhythm but the flustered passion behind it made up for that.

She dared to reach out and touch him, to let her hands explore his body beyond the affectionate caress of his cheek or running her fingers through his hair. Her hands crept into all the tight spaces between them and across the broad and long lines of his frame. She pawed and groped at him, her touch matching the way that she kissed him with that same blissful fervor. It was only when her hand moved across his chest that it paused.

“Your heart is beating so fast.” Jean said with a touch of surprise, she pulled back a little as if looking at his chest would show her more.

“But then again, mine is too.” She picked up his hand and placed it on her bare chest and over her own heart, its quickened pace easy to find.

The beating of her heart was a clarion call for Scott. His own pulse pounded in his ears, but now it was matched by the thrumming of Jean's as well. That beating called to him and he had to answer.

Moving his hand to one side, Scott cupped her breast and gathered it for easy access. The flush of her skin was soft and warm. Transitioning from her beating breastbone to her pillow soft mound was pure delight between his fingers. His mouth surrounded her nipple, eager for the savory taste.

Jean gasped as he placed his mouth on her. The soft heat of his tongue and lips on her breast made her whole body arch in an instinctive request for more. He felt her nipple harden in his mouth, inviting him to worry it with even more than a simple taste.

She sharply inhaled and hissed his name as Scott’s tongue flicked then licked her pert and sensitive flesh. Between their shared yearning for each other and the hungry way he filled his mouth with her supple breast, Jean thought she might come undone by just this act alone.

“I want more of you.” Her own breathing became jagged and heavy as he felt the deep rise and fall of her chest against his lips. “I want all of you.” Jean corrected herself as she looked down at him with a smoldering and aching gaze.

When Jean spoke, Scott pulled back just enough to make eye contact. His lips held fast to her sharply aroused nipple while his chin tilted up to meet her gaze. Those piercing eyes cut to the quick of his soul. The surge of feeling stunned his diaphragm, making him suck wind on impulse but unable to release it in an involuntary hold. A tingle shot like an electric shock out to his groin, fingers, and ends of his toes.

“You got me.” Scott’s voice was breathless as he released her swollen red flesh from his mouth with a parting swirl of his tongue.

Reaching down to the side, Scott flipped the seat adjuster which sent him back to a 45 degree angle. It allowed for room to maneuver and it offered a great view of Jean astride him in all her glory. The transition left her jostling in all the right places and all he could do was stare in awestruck wonder.

~You’re stunning…~ Scott felt his mouth hang open until his lungs remembered how to exchange air again.

~* ‘You’re still dressed’ *~ Jean quipped before she began to tug and pull at his shirt. She looked down at him with the same appreciation that he had for her. While sex was still a new activity for them, they had at least slowed down enough to savor one another. The early stages of foreplay left them eyeing and caressing each other for longer and longer periods of time, slowly memorizing the lines of their partner’s bodies as they learned what the other liked most.

Jean noticed the changes in Scott’s body, he wasn’t as lean and lanky as he had once been when they first met. He was over six feet tall now and his muscle mass was filling in, adding build to his already intimidating stature. She ran her hands up his body from stomach to shoulder, her delicate hands traced the toned lines beginning to form.

~* ‘I like you best without clothes on.’ *~ She mused as he watched her eyes examine him, a small smirk of delight on her face as she did. Gathering her thick red hair in her hand to hold it back, she leaned forward and kissed her way up his body. Her lips following the same trail that her hands had taken.

“Ditto,” Scott moaned. Her trail of kisses drove him wild. The sensation made him shiver and twist under her straddle. Eager desire began to morph into burning lust.

~Come here~

Scott guided her chin to his mouth where he indulged her lips once more, cherishing the sweet sensation. But he wanted more. His long reach hoisted her hips forward which placed breasts firmly over his face like a cluster of fruit on a branch. As he feasted on her body, his hands worked her panties free from her hips and down her thighs before he unzipped and pulled his own pants to his knees.

Now that they were both free from the obstruction of clothing, Scott grasped Jean’s breasts with both hands and slathered them with kisses and nips like a man possessed. Perhaps he was in a way. Jean's keening cry of pleasure resounded inside his mind without her having to say a word. His body came to peak arousal from their shared connection.

It wasn’t just the carnal pleasure she found in Scott’s hands and lips across her body but the building tension and turgor that consumed his thoughts which made Jean moan and gasp as he kneaded and feasted on her soft and supple breasts.

She loved the feeling of his mind being clouded and dulled by his want for her until his thoughts became a single and solitary need for her and for their shared pleasure. That throbbing ache that started in his loins until it thrummed and pulsed through his entire body, Jean lived for that lust.

Her hand returned to caress him, a slow and exploratory touch that halted and savored the moments when he shuddered or gasped against her until Jean’s hand finally reached his arousal and her fingertips against him were enough to elicit a groan that resonated in his chest.

That sounded divided her, part of her wanted to savor that hungry want in him and the other part of her wanted to satisfy it. So she stroked him, as he sucked and nipped at her breasts seeing if that throbbing want would overtake him or if he dared to hold out for more.

As incredible as it was, making love together was still a new world for both of them. Scott struggled to order his thoughts around Jean in the best of times. With her fingers wrapped around his manhood, Scott felt his eyes clench shut while a gasp of pleasure resounded from inside his chest. His limbs tensed up and relented as if their signals were crossed. Each stroke primed him for new heights of pleasure.

“Jean…” Her name was a request in itself carried on a moan. It wasn't just the act or the feeling he wanted. Scott desired her in every way, to be close to her. It consumed him like wildfire. In the moment, his desire turned to greater pressure that swelled inside Jean's grip which eased the ecstatic agony of his intense arousal.

“Jean!” he repeated, this time almost a hiss as her name seethed through his gritted teeth. It was a great beautiful, paralyzing limbo in which she held him.

Her own desire threatened to devour her as Scott tensed and thickened from her touch. To watch and feel his arousal grow, it created an ache inside of Jean that started between her thighs but soon filled her entire body. In the moments before their union, when their want for one another became palpable, Jean was reminded of how perfect they were for each other. That blissful, flawless fulfillment that could only be achieved when they were together.

Jean’s hand stopped its coaxing caress so she could guide him into her. A deliberately slow and careful shift of her hips before she repositioned herself over him and welcomed him. She enjoyed that early sensation of gratification as he filled her, that moment where they both gasped and moaned over one another. It was like the first bite of an apple, crisp and sweet.

“Scott.” Jean sighed his name, momentarily content from achieving this long awaited union. “Do you feel what you do to me?”

“Yes!!!” It was actually a cry of relief but it also worked as a response to her question. Scott bucked his hips on entry, an involuntary spasm caused by the final contact being made in their connection. The feeling of being enveloped by her tight, wet folds felt so good that it was almost a balm. It was as if he suffered by not being inside her and only now was made right.

“Good.” Jean practically purred the word as she moved over him.

~I need you!~ Scott couldn't talk, couldn't reason. He could only express himself through a shrill moan as Jean shifted herself in search of the best angle and position. Even her micro adjustments threatened to send him over the edge but he held on tightly to the feeling of oneness. His need for her was palpable, like a parching thirst in a dry land.

She was his desert oasis, his respite from everything from loneliness and gloom to the pain of a rock hard erection. A desperation began to rise up within him, as though she might never truly know what she meant to him. The old feeling he had expressed time and again shot from his mouth in a howling confession.

“I love you, Jean!” Her name was nearly a whimper if not for the volume. Scott's lips quivered from the effort of trying to speak during a pleasure overload.

“I love you, Scott.” She returned the words of adoration punctuated with his name. That touch of personal intimacy, a reminder that they still saw one another while indulging in the pleasure that was created.

Jean sat up and began to grind her hips into him, continuing with that same eager affection that he found in her kisses. She was firm and demanding, eager and excited. That electrifying and invigorating feeling of finally getting what she wanted, it made her moan in delight. She reached out for him as she found the pace that satisfied her current needs.

~* ‘Hold onto me.’ *~
Taking her hands in his, Jean directed him on how to touch her. A hand on her breast as it began to sway with her movements and the other on her hip and the length of her thigh to help guide her body to better achieve a shared completion.

Scott clutched her breast and hip in his hands as directed. The rise and fall of her riding pulled him into the cadence like the greatest dance in the world. Rather than a drumbeat, the tempo was each other. Each bump and grind created a rhythm of passionate movement that was only natural to follow.

The benefit of the strategic hand placement became apparent pretty quickly. Scott matched Jean's timing with rolling thrusts from beneath her. From deep inside her, he could feel a swelling that rubbed against his shaft brought the already ecstatic experience into pleasure. Through his connection with Jean, Scott could feel her pleasure spike as well. The sensory exchange between them meant that Jean's pleasure was Scott's and vice versa.

“God…goddamn…ugh…” Scott felt his head twist in different directions while his body prepared itself for final release. He tried to warn Jean, but all he got out was another instance of her name.

Jean let go as she felt Scott beginning to slip away causing her hips to writhe and buck against him in a manner that was far more carnal than anything they had ever done before. Her hands found his chest as she used her grip on him to both anchor and balance herself as each thrust of her hips brought her crashing against him.

She arched her back and shut her eyes as she lost herself in him. Each heady thrust brought them closer to completion and Jean felt both of them thrum and tense from it. She savored that beautiful ecstasy and the whole Jeep began to rock and groan along with her.

Jean’s soft moans of enjoyment became demanding cries as a pressing ache turned into waves of pleasure as she let her climax take hold of her body and mind.

One powerful wave passed through Scott that led him to give a wordless shout while his essence shot free inside of Jean. He grabbed her hips and kept rocking her, pushing back against every motion with his hips. Jean had brought him to climax but he was doubling down on it for all he was worth.

Scott opened his heart to her in that moment, taking the climax in and allowed it to form an imprint on his core self. This would be another memory that he would carry with him always.

“Jean!” Scott threw his head back and shouted as the final vestiges of orgasm passed through the open emotional circuit he'd left open.

Jean gasped and shuddered from his outpouring. While her telepathy allowed for them to experience each other, Scott had never attempted to intentionally share his experience. It was like a door was open between two rooms and Jean was often the one who stepped past the threshold and beckoned him closer. In this moment Scott didn’t just cross the threshold he ran into the room.

She had never felt him like that before, it was such a complete and whole body sensation that it left her breathlessly sobbing in pleasure. Her rough pace came to a sudden halt as she succumbed to this feeling of true rhapsody. Scott felt her tremble and quake from the depth of their union as pure joy and euphoria washed over them.

“Oh my god…” Jean panted as her ability to breathe returned to her “…wow.” It was a small word but it spoke in volumes.

Lost together, Scott had wrapped Jean in his arms and held her tightly. At some point she had collapsed into his loving arms. Breathing and even thinking was suspended for both of them while their bodies suffered the aftershock tremors of their climaxing frenzy.

“Uh huh…” Scott’s brain was swimming in pleasure chemicals and telepathic splashback. “Just… yeah…”

He kissed her head through her hair. Wherever his lips landed didn't matter. There was just a need to express affection. Never had he felt so happy. If he could talk, he would tell her just that. Instead he just let his fingers run in tight circles against her back while holding her until his arms began to ache.

“You’ve never done that before.” Jean murmured into his bare skin, her voice soft and partially in awe. “I’ve never heard and felt you so clearly before, that level of communication is hard for non-telepaths to do.”

Jean folded her hands across his chest and rested her chin on them. Propping herself up slightly so she could see his face a little better while still remaining as close to him as possible.

“Not even when you were in pain or in trouble or worried have I felt you so clearly in my own headspace. It’s usually with those types of desperate and fearful feelings that non-telepaths harness to breach our minds like that.” She craned her neck forward to kiss the length of his jawline.

“I liked it. I just don’t know how you did it.” Jean laughed against the side of his neck before kissing the skin below her lips.

Scott considered her words while she spoke, but blushed once she stopped. A potential answer came to him.

“I've never wanted you more than I wanted you a moment ago,” he said with a red tinge to his cheeks.

“Oh really?” Jean chuckled a little from the bloom of color across his face that matched the red of his glasses along with the sheepish confession.

“I guess I’ll have to try harder from now on.” She teased him before sitting up and placing her arms by the sides of his head, a small shift of her body followed so she could look down at him.

“I need to rile you up to make you that hot for me every time.” Jean was joking but she finished the statement with a long slow kiss, one that was intended to fan the smoldering heat between them.

“If you're looking for complaints…” Scott's words were cut off by Jean's sultry kiss.

~Keep looking~ The thought completed itself inside his mind but Scott had abandoned it. He was already lost in the flutter that Jean's lips evoked from him. That flutter turned to a tingle that made his body wake up after the restful feeling that had overtaken him.

~Again?~ Scott let the query float into the space between them without expectation. Whether they were kissing, petting, or going all the way, he wanted to enjoy the moment for whatever it would bring. At the center of all it was being alone together with Jean.

~* ‘Again and again.’ *~ Jean replied with a smile against his lips, as if he needed to ask. The thrill and euphoria of their coupling was like a drug and she always wanted more and more Scott.

But she was an exciting thought in her own right. Scott felt himself thicken down below the longer she kissed him. He let his hands drift down her sides and admire her growing curves with intermittent squeezes in his loving caresses. They were still kids in some people's eyes, but every last one of Scott's senses told him she was all woman.

“If you're trying to rile me up,” he said between kisses, “it's working.”

“Good.” Her response was more absolute than flirtatious. A type of determination in her tone that made him tense a little underneath her.

Jean’s kisses left his lips and traveled down the side of his neck, she continued with her rougher than usual demeanor. Her teeth grazed his skin and left a trail of red in their wake, a mark or two that would last for the next few days to follow. Whatever hurt Jean created was soon soothed by her soft lips and the small sweet kisses that followed.

In training or on mission, Scott always took the lead. Even if others could advance ahead of him, Scott always led the charge. But here and now, meek and mild Jean was calling the shots. . Her overly sweet, meek and mild demeanor was cast off like a winter coat in July. Love bites were a new, almost startling thing but Scott was drawn in by the sensual feeling, especially when Jean followed them with kissing.

There was a vague notion that he wanted to reciprocate, to lavish love and adoration while exploring her body. It was a new frontier they had entered together. He wanted to caress her, delve deep into every nook and cranny, love every inch of her body and relish the fact their love went beyond the physical into full body and soul intimacy.

But Jean’s insatiable tenacity made him a submissive captive to her passion. For the moment, Scott was trapped between a desire to do more and simply receiving the immersive, primal lust that Jean was pouring out all over his body. He trembled with tension in pleasure, pain, and anticipation. A lone “Ugh!” from his shallow breathing was the only sign he gave away from it all.

“You’re shaking.” Jean whispered the words next to his ear, the brush of her lips against him and the hushed tone created a different type of thrill. Part of her enjoyed this new found power, where she could claim and take what she wanted from him. It felt wicked but it was also liberating.

“Poor thing.” She teased him with a touch of fake sympathy against the shell of his ear. Jean knew exactly why he quivered from her attention, the authority she possessed over him and the exciting tension she created with it, it was enough to turn him into putty in her hands.

“Should I stop?” Jean brushed her naked body against his with a feather soft touch that mimicked the sensation of her lips against his ear.

“Nuh uh!” Scott had his eyes closed and he shook his head with emphatic desperation.

“No?” She giggled again from his response. When Scott had met her in the attic earlier today Jean had been stressed and tense, weighed down and distracted by her mental burdens. Since retreating into the woods with him, all of those negative emotions had left her. She was happy and vivacious again, thanks to him.

“I better keep going then.” Jean returned to his throat but continued to move down his body. She passed the few faint marks she had left, now pink as opposed to an angry red. Scott would notice those later.

“Uh huh…” Scott managed a grunt in reply.

Her kisses traveled to his chest and the shallow breaths that made it rapidly rise and fall below her lips. Jean loved to bury her face in his chest, to hide herself from the world in his embrace until the only thing that filled her senses was him.

But her desires were a touch more lascivious than comfort as she moved over him. Her long red hair tickled him and the soft, mounding warmth of her breasts brushed against him as she planted kiss after kiss across the broad plane of his chest. Jean’s tongue moved in slow small circles around his nipple before her teeth grazed the sensitive skin.

Scott gasped at the sensual paradox. It was pleasure that teased pain only to collapse back into pleasure with a greater intensity than before. Part of him wondered where Jean was getting these ideas but he didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. She was unraveling him stitch by agonizing stitch. The worst thing in the world would be if she stopped.

Unable to lay idle any longer, though, Scott’s long arms pressed his hands over her shoulders and down her back until his fingers couldn’t reach any further. At that point, his hands slid down around her ribs, tracing the contours of her torso. They slid into the narrow space between their bodies where they found the soft mounds of Jean’s breasts which she’d dragged across his abdomen. Just the feel of their silky texture against his palms made his breath catch in his throat. He started gently fondling in contrast to Jean’s more intense oral gestures against his flesh. The reciprocity elicited a greater thrill that turned his trembling into a full body shudder.

Jean huffed out a small moan in satisfaction of his hands returning to her body. The warm air of her breath from the moan added to the continued trail of her kisses across his body, a brief heating of his skin before it chilled.

It was like a round of sparring between them, an attack and its counter. But the landed blows made their bodies tremble with pleasure rather than pain. Jean pushed him to find that game between them, to match her heady need for his body until they reached an apex. Her lips moved over him in a painful slowly and deliberate manner, to the point where the pause between kisses became heavily anticipated before their climactic return. Jean was baiting him to do more as he waited for her next move.

When his hands finally did return to her body, Jean arched her back and pressed herself into his touch in approval. But that crush of her breasts into him was short lived, she was already eager for more.

~* ‘Touch me.’ *~ Jean’s telepathic words were filled with yearning as she lifted herself up again and created more of a gap between them for his roaming hands.

There was no way Scott could deny Jean's request if he'd wanted to try. Her pleasure was his and he wanted to give her all that he could. His hand slid between her thighs and caressing the entirety of her feminine flower in slow concentric circles. From outer folds to inner lips, Scott traced his fingers in an easy but exaggerated form that went from slow to briefly accelerated only to fall back to an agonizing crawl.

Heat began to radiate into his palm, an energy that made Scott surge with desire himself. His finger slipped inside the almost quivering inner lips and continued the gentle fondling from the exterior. The length of his hand allowed Scott to rest his thumb against Jean's swollen engorgement further north, forming an anchor point against which he leveraged the slow movements from wrist to fingertips.

Scott felt his breathing hasten in time with Jean’s, their states of arousal rising to their peak together before they fully gave in and surrendered to their passions. Holding out before had been torturous. This was fun because there was no way they were going away empty and unsatisfied. After the dreary week, they were filling each other as only could be done with the two of them together as one.

Jean had been a proactive temptress in the moments leading up to this, assertive and confident she had feasted on him and claimed every part of his body that satisfied her wants and needs. But when Scott’s hand moved across her, Jean lost all her swagger.

She moaned and gasped in time with slow movements of his touch. The gentle pressure of his long fingers across her sensitive flesh restored her heated arousal, it labored her breathing and caused her hips to faintly rock and grind into his hand.

But the biggest thrill was watching the early throes of passion as they moved across her face. The slight furrow of her brow, that look of pleasurable worry that filled her eyes, the soft shape her mouth formed as moan after moan escaped her lips. Jean was like a finely crafted instrument that Scott merely had to stroke and thrum and beautiful music came from her.

Scott's hand followed the rhythm of her body, being guided to increase in speed with Jean's ever hastening hip grinding. Scott toggled her swollen protrusion like a light switch with his thumb as it pivoted the rest of his fingers along her feminine flower.

The sounds she made were as euphoric in Scott's ears as they were from Jean’s lips. It was a hard decision whether to close his eyes and deprived himself the sight of her shimmying body in order to savor her sultry sonata that her vocal cords rang out just for him.

A solution presented itself immediately. Scott's free hand took Jean by the breast again, cupping it freely so he could still feel every jostling motion. Her hard, pebbled nipple tickled the center of his palm. With that sorted, Scott laid his head back and focused entirely on the coordination of his hands and listened to the most erotic sounds he had ever heard.

Jean shuddered and her moans became deep and throaty thanks to his additional touch. Strained yet euphoric, the panting and labored sounds of her pleasure filled the cab of the Jeep. With each roll of her hips and every stroke of his fingertips she came closer and closer to the edge.

He felt the first ripples of her ecstasy as they moved through her body and her mind, those small tugs of gratification that promised much more. Then her moans changed into sounds better described as sharp groans. Tense hunger mixed with passionate delight, he heard it all in the rhythm of her cries.

As her climax began, Jean’s moans stopped and a different sound escaped her lips. “Scott!”

An angelic chorus wouldn’t have sounded so beautiful as Jean shouting his name in ecstasy. Scott accelerated his manual motions, driving her climax into new heights. The rocking spasms that he could feel wherever he touched her made his own breath catch. Jean’s intensity was contagious. Her passion bled over through her wails of joy and trembling body into Scott.

“I love you, Jean…” The words were whispered but were no less fervent for it. Scott adored her and wanted her with every fiber of his being. His heart was so full of joyful satisfaction at bringing her to completion that he didn’t want to stop.

Jean found his lips for a rough press of a kiss, her body too flustered and demanding for a gentle and mild touch. Her urgent groans were muted by her mouth meeting his but the stifled sounds were of little concern.

Scott had confessed his love to her and she did the same. But Jean’s affection was delivered by her psyche rather than her words as a swell of joy so powerful that it hurt his heart filled him. She shook and quaked as pleasure took over and she consumed Scott in the moments that followed. A different aspect of Jean flooded each of his senses until her and her climax were the only forces he could perceive.


Scott let out Jean's surrogate scream so loud and fierce it turned his voice hoarse. Though it was not his body which had orgasmed, his mind couldn't tell. His toes curled while his fingers grabbed at his own scalp. Eyes shut tight against the overload, Scott took every bit of feeling from Jean's psyche and pressed it deep inside his own, committing every nuance and aspect of this moment into one he would remember forever with crystal clarity.

After a few moans to catch his breath, Scott felt his own desire crash against the confines of his own flesh. His arousal pulsated in desperate longing.

“Jean…” He breathed her name, eyes still closed and lost in the changing tides of her passion. “Again. Please…”

“Forever.” She replied through her own labored and heavy breaths. Jean sat up swiftly, refusing to lose any of the electric energy currently buzzing between them. She realigned her hips with his and with an easy fluid movement they were joined again.

Her hands reached out for him as her hips found the same pace and fervor that he had used on her, it was a seamless transition and return into pleasure that had both of them rolling and bucking in time with one another.

~* ‘You’re so hard’ *~ It was an exhalation but also a moment of wonderment as Jean discovered what Scott was capable of.

Scott cried out in a whimper when Jean finally took him Inside her again. The force of her slick grip pressed him so deeply inside her that he strained to identify where he ended and she began.

~I feel you~ He didn't just mean her body and that meaning was clear to Jean. Everything from her emotions and passion to her thoughts and pleasure was exposed to Scott. He feasted on them as greedily as the curves of her breasts and hips ~You feel so good~

The rise and fall against the length of his shaft coursed through him like a flint striking a fire. A burning joy ignited that radiated from his pelvis up his spine and back again. His entire being was alight with sublime euphoria, yet all he could manage to say for it was wordless grunting.

A telltale surge flashed through his groin, signaling a looming release. Scott ignored it. The moment was too rapturous for him to pay heed to anything else. But his bucking hips told the tale on their own. Jean nearly flew from his body for the voracity of Scott's throes of passion.

Jean arched and moaned as the fervency and excitation took over and made their bodies move with unbridled excitement. It was a zealous pace that threatened to untwine them before release but the passion spurring them forward was too brilliant and burning, to slow down would dampen and cool the powerful moment.

She tilted her head towards the sky and shut her eyes, the movement exposing the long elegant lines of her throat to him amidst the bounce and sway of her red curls. Focusing on the rough and hungry rhythm that coursed through them, Jean both anchored and carried herself. A touch of telekinesis thrummed through her and it eased but also accentuated the flow and crash of their bodies against one another.

“Don’t stop.” She pleaded as she savored the heady strokes of his body. Perfect satisfaction that only Scott could provide. The Jeep began to jostle and rock along with her, making it feel like the whole world had synchronized with their lovemaking.

The rampant passion came to a peak at Jean's telekinetic intervention. Full conservation of energy meant every stroke, every thrust, every rise and fall was theirs to cherish with nothing lost. Near frictionless contact was made between Scott's shaft and Jean's innermost walls regardless of how hard she clamped down. Psychic energy saturated Scott's skin like marinade and made it erupt in gooseflesh before soaking ever deeper into his nerve endings.

In this ecstatic coupling, Scott felt himself separate from the mechanical motions of his body which rolled and thrusted like a steam piston. A cloud of pleasure surrounded him and took him higher where his thoughts connected with Jean's in a subliminal way. That connection put her voice screaming his name inside his head like a megaphone. Completely overtaken in rapture, Scott watched them both let go and lose themselves within each other as if it happened on a stadium Jumbotron.



Whose voice was whose felt beyond recognition. Their climax had made them one. Scott began to fall back inside himself only to realize his hips were still rolling and bucking beneath Jean on pure sexual reflex. Jean hadn't released her hold and his body had followed the cue. Scott just threw his head back and kept up the rapid pace for as long as he could, grinning in a joyful rictus just to be along for the ride.

The rise and fall of her body along with the heat and breadth of his beneath her all melted away as Jean lost herself in him. It was a magnificent and unparalleled sensation where the world stopped turning and only they existed. The notions of give and take ceased and there was just a unified moment of pleasure. Her body and mind succumbed to that awesome and beautiful sensation causing her words to run dry as she shuddered and trembled in delight until she found herself spent and exhausted.

As Jean’s body stilled and her powers cooled, she felt her body shake from both the effect and the rigors of their coupling. Panting and awe struck she tumbled into him, seeking that euphoric afterglow that followed.

~* ‘I love you.’ *~ Words spoken and thought a countless number of times but they were still the only words that could describe how she felt for him. ~* ‘I didn’t know I could love anyone like this.’ *~

~Neither could I~ Love was a new thing for Scott. Corollaries like loyalty and dedication and duty were familiar. He knew those well. Shrinking away would be unthinkable. But with pure, unadulterated love… Jean was his first in every way. Beyond romance, he loved her more than life itself.

Scott wrapped his arms around Jean again, ignoring the ache in his arms. Basking in the glory of their postcoital cuddle puddle, words felt accessible again.

“I love you, Jean. I'll always love you.” One might think saying it so repeatedly and so often would diminish the meaning. Nothing could be further from the case though. Every time Scott said those words, it was like an air pump inflated his heart. The confirmation of his own words never failed to bring a smile to his face. “I'm glad we did this. Came out here away from it all. Remind me to listen to your other bright ideas.”

“This is all I ever want to do.” The usually reserved and modest Jean confessed. While it was a well known fact that the two of them snuck off together whenever possible only Scott knew how passionate she could be. The teenage telepath sought to enact and explore every lurid act she had discovered now that this titillating world had been opened up to them.

“And I will always love you too.” Her voice took on a more intimate tone as she reached out and brushed away a stray strand of auburn hair that infringed on the ruby lenses of his glasses. “I’ve always wanted to love you since the moment I met you. I was just scared to do it.”

Scott's mouth slowly stretched into a grin. He had no complaints about doing Jean anywhere she wanted to do it and any which way she wanted it done. Every time with her was an adventure that he relished in the doing and cherished in the memory. It was surreal to him just how creative she could be.

“I was scared too,” Scott admitted. “Love was a new one for me. Sometimes I still feel like I don't have it figured out. But then you're here to show me.” His smile turned coy. “You really did a number on me today.”

Jean sheepishly giggled, that demure charm returning that made her blush over the things she did in midst of lust. “I could say the same.”

She stretched out across him, treating him like a lounge chair as the slight curves of her body comfortably settled against him. Jean looked down at him with quiet appreciation, examining the squared lines of his face and his handsome features. The glasses he always wore were just as much a part of him as anything else. She looked at him with such love and fondness, the passion between them cooling to a deep affection. Moments like this were just as much a part of the experience as the moans of climax.

“I think forever is just the right amount of time.” Jean nuzzled her nose against his cheek before kissing it. “I don’t want to go back.”

“Forever it is,” Scott joked, playing into her sentiments with merriment. “We can live out in the woods, have wild jungle sex all day, just go wild and savage.” He saw her eyes roving over his body and couldn't help but do the same with her. Lithe as she was, every curve still felt pronounced, especially when pressed up against him. “At least it would be clothing optional.”

“Clothing optional in the woods.” Jean laughed a little at the idea. “I don’t think we’d get anything else accomplished.” The temptation to touch him was far too much for her to resist. She ran a hand down the length of his chest and torso, only stopping when her reach ran out. Her soft touch lazily returned to his chest before making the trek down his body again.

“Maybe contract Lyme Disease, I think we would accomplish that.” Jean chuckled at her own joke before she kissed him, nothing as heated as before but it still smoldered. Scott felt her sigh against him, a sound and feeling of content moved through her as that much needed feeling of realignment and centering returned.

“So I guess we'll have to go back eventually,” Scott said a little remorsefully. “Maybe hit the car wash before we do. We made a mess of things.”

The double meaning hit him and he started laughing. Showering off at a car wash was such a ridiculous thought that he started laughing. But then he thought about showering with Jean. That took the chuckle away but not the happy look on his face.

She laughed along with him partially because of his double entendre but also from the moment of humor that moved through Scott. That jovial and jokey side of him wasn’t something that most people saw and Jean absolutely loved it. The way the corners of his mouth curled into a smile and that warm sound of laughter appeared.

“Um. I'm sure we could figure out something to do back home…” Deadpan though it was, Scott knew there was no hiding even his most subtle thoughts and intentions from Jean. She knew him inside and out.

She bit her lower lip as his thoughts turned salacious and Jean dared to join him with her own ideas. The sound of running water, slick soap, and the air thick with steam made the lewd mental pictures all the more tantalizing. The shared thought created a long pause between them and the tone in the Jeep changed to one of planning rather than just daydreaming. “If we skip dinner, everyone else will be upstairs and the showers next to the gym will be empty.”

“Roger that.” Scott sat up as he released the lever to return the seat to its upright position. It left him cradling Jean in the suddenly cramped space. “As much as I love this, we gotta’ hurry if we're gonna’ beat the dinner crowd!”

Scott spoke at such a rapid rate that his words nearly jumbled together. It was only when he started fishing for the keys that he realized they were not dressed. “Oh…right…”

Jean slinked back to the passenger seat and began to telekinetically collect and sort their clothes that were strewn about the inside of the Jeep. Scott’s t-shirt flew through the interior of the cab and hit him square in the chest.

“One step at a time.” Jean laughed at Scott’s frantic attempt to return home as she lifted her hips and shimmied back into her panties and denim skirt. Watching her dress had a different sort of thrill to it. “We can skip the car wash and just say that we went… bird watching for science class.”

“I’ll throw a drop cloth over it,” Scott said. “Should handle it until tomorrow.” He couldn’t help but watch Jean get dressed while he pulled himself back inside his clothes. There was a bittersweet aspect to it that made him long to get back to the Mansion as quickly as possible.

Once he was dressed enough to drive, he popped the clutch and turned the key. The engine roared to life, a perfect representation of Scott’s internal drive. He left off the clutch and gave it some gas, but instead of lurching ahead through the mud patch they’d formed from the spinning donuts, the vehicle slightly fishtailed in place. A sickly glug-glug-glug-glug flew up from the tires.

“Oh shit…” It was rare that Scott cursed but this might not be the best situation ever. “Hold on a second.””

Scott jumped out of the seat and trudged through the mud, fastening his pants the rest of the way in his first few steps. His keen eye spotted the sunken tires. The spinning wheels had dug themselves a little trench they weren’t going to get out of on their own. If he kept it up, they might get stuck.

“I’m going to lock in the hubs!” Scott hollered toward the cab with his hands cupped around his mouth. While he didn’t outright say they were slightly stuck, Jean didn’t need telepathy to figure out his meaning.

After a quick circuit around the Jeep, all four hubs had been turned and locked. Scott climbed back into the driver’s seat, crossed his fingers, and shifted down into low gear again. Mud kicked up from all around them, but the Jeep crawled through the boggy, uneven terrain like a spider fighting its way out of a sink.

“That was almost bad,” Scott said, “but I think we’ll make it.” Locked hubs in low gear meant driving slower on their way out than the reckless speed they came in, though it was just as bumpy. “Did I mention you did a number on me?” He grinned at the rhetorical question.

“I sorta did a number on the Jeep too.” Jean said with a laugh as she examined the now muddy Scott. “And now you definitely need a shower.”

“I know.” Jean meekly replied to his question as her cheeks turned pink. “I can feel it when you… you know…” She tucked her red hair behind her ears as she glanced at him before looking out the passenger window. “It’s kind of like a sneeze only so much better.”

Scott risked a sidelong glance. It was full of surprise. “You.. you can feel that?”

“Kind of? I’m sure it’s better for you but I get the general impression.” She giggled.

That revelation made Scott blush for some unknown reason. He had already been as close to Jean as two people can be, yet somehow that added detail made the intimacy seem so much more real.

“I can feel it when you… you know.” Scott bit his lip and actually giggled like a schoolboy. “Feels like a vice clamp but…better.”

Jean’s giggle turned in an actual laugh, at their ineloquent yet accurate descriptions. There were moments when she felt very mature for her age but this was not one of those moments. “A vice clamp? Oh no that’s not how it feels for me at all.”

“Well, I mean…” Scott rubbed the back of his neck as he fought for words. “When you… go… it’s like the tightest pressure imaginable and…” He started giggling nervously. Why was he explaining this? How could he even explain it? “It sends me out of this world. So I can always tell.”

Jean placed a hand over her mouth to stifle the giggles that had come back. It was one thing to feel these things in the moment and to verbalize them later on. “Yeah I guess there’s no faking it when all of that is involved.”

She sighed heavily as the last fit of laughter left her and Jean became a bit more serious. “I don’t know what sex without telepathy is like, for me it would be like losing one of my senses. And I don’t know what sex would be like with anyone else. But it’s so powerful for me, when I… when we’re together… everything gets better.”

“Yeah…” Scott agreed. “I don’t ever want to ever have sex with anybody else. I want to do it all with you. You’re my one and only, Jean.” A bump in the road set them both bouncing in their seats. “Might want to buckle up!”

“Ouch!” Jean’s head snapped and bounced back from the sudden bump in the road. She hasn’t been expecting it or how much it hurt her.

“Here.” A small laugh as the bumps became a little more regular. Scott felt her telekinetic touch over his chest, it held him still as his seatbelt clicked into place. Only when Scott was secured and could still drive did Jean focus on herself. “There. That’s better.”

Her hands moved to the dashboard to stabilize herself and the smile returned to her face. “Are you okay?”

“Of course.” Scott grinned.. “I’ve got you to catch me. How could I be anything but okay?”

They finally came to the main road and the pavement which would take them back toward the mansion. Scott parked the Jeep and hopped out to turn the hubs back to standard configuration. Sliding back into the Jeep once again, he shot Jean a smile and pulled onto the road. “Should be smoother riding from here.”

“That wasn’t so bad.” Jean’s smile continued as things leveled out and they were back on track again. She looked down at the dashboard with a defeated sigh. “Dinner’s halfway over already. It will be finished by the time we get back.”

“You’re right,” Scott admitted with a hefty amount of frustration. He sped along through the gently winding road. A billboard advertising Shecky’s Famous Burgers and Ice Cream signaled they were only a few miles from town. On impulse, Scott dropped gears and pulled behind the billboard. It wasn’t the best cover but it would obscure them from traffic. “So maybe we take our time getting back…”

Jean raised a surprised brow and smirked at him. It took a lot to surprise her and it only when Scott was recklessly impulsive did he manage to catch her off guard.
“Here!? By the billboard?”

Her smirk made its way up to her eyes as Jean realized he was absolutely serious about taking their time back to the school.
“Not in the front seat and put up the sunshade.” She said in an amused and agreeable tone before unbuckling her seat belt and climbing into the back seat of the Jeep.

“Deal.” Scott put the sunshade over the windshield and ditched his shirt before climbing in the backseat after her. “I always fantasized about this…” He paused halfway between the seats and leaned toward the radio. The speakers came to life with a buzz and a whir.

There were a limited number of radio stations in Salem Center, providing a small range of music and talk radio. The oldies station came through strongly as he turned the dial.

‘This Magic Moment’ by The Drifters played, its sweeping orchestra and his melodic voice had been created for teenage slow dancing twenty years ago but now it seemed like appropriate music for what they were about to do.

“In the back of the Jeep?” Jean began to undress again, their clothes getting more and more wrinkled each time they were discarded. She glimpsed at his thoughts and what he had wanted to do with her in the backseat and it made her grin and blush all over again. “Hurry up and get back here.”

Scott was already out of his shirt and his pants weren't far behind. This was a whole new thrill for him. It was impulsive in a way, pulling behind the billboard at the last minute. But what they were doing now, undressing to romantic music, preparing another round of embracing what had before felt so out of reach, it was far more intentional.

“Try and stop me,” he said, crawling toward her on all fours.

Out of all the dates Scott and Jean had been out on since restoring the old Jeep, it seemed unusual that Jean was surprised that he wanted her in the backseat. He'd fantasized about it often enough. Then again he carried many fantasies about Jean. It might've been difficult for her to sort one from the next. But that was fine. Scott was more than happy to live out each one.

“Here I am,” Scott said when face to face with her. Their lips came together in several short kisses in quick succession before ending in a long, pronounced one. Scott tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth before letting go.

“Lay back,” he whispered in her right ear before nuzzling against her head with his nose and mouth in a downward trajectory toward her neck and shoulder.

Jean’s anticipatory grin turned into a small smile as Scott’s lips found hers, his sudden urge to enact one of his fantasies made her keen to oblige him. It wasn’t so much about the daydreaming fantasies he wanted to perform but it was more about the sudden urge to actually do it that had surprised her. She hadn’t been expecting to park behind a billboard, her thoughts had been focused on getting home in time. For this to happen here and now, it created a whole new thrill.

His whispered words caused goosebumps to rise across her skin as a small shiver moved through her body before Jean happily obliged his request. She shifted and leaned back against the Jeep’s backseat, its old leather was soft and warm against her bare skin.

She couldn’t help but watch as his head and his kisses traveled down her body, each inch of progress he made filled her with quivering delight. As he continued, Jean’s slender thighs shifted and parted below his looming form, the soft fair skin brushing against him in a welcoming caresses.

Scott left a trail of kisses down her neck that meandered toward her breastbone. They crisscrossed the contours of her shoulder line which led down to her breasts and abdomen. He paused at her navel long enough to swirl his tongue around in teasing circles.

From there, Jean's hips called to Scott. First one, then the other, he pressed his lips more firmly as his hunger began to call for more of her flesh. The scent of their recent exploits was fresh at this position, mixed with the natural aroma of her cherry red landing strip. Scott sunk his teeth into Jean's pubic mound and sucked air through his lips like he was suckling a piece of fruit. It was a tease of what was soon to come.

Scott pushed himself up on his hands and shot back up to Jean's face. He wanted one last penetrating look into her eyes.

“I love you,” he said firmly, “with all that I am.”

After a quick nip her nose, mouth, and chin, Scott made a quick run back down her center line with his open mouth trailing his moist, hot breath. Down where he had left Jean hanging, Scott guided Jean's legs back with his hands behind her knees to set her feet against his shoulders. Her ruby red and pink folds spread wide before him to reveal the object of his desire. There was no more suspense, no more lingering. Scott lowered his head and gave in to his hungry desire.

~This was my fantasy~ Scott confessed his open thoughts to Jean. His lips were too well occupied for anything but satisfied humming. ~Pull my hair when you're close. I'm already feeling drunk on you~

Jean held her breath as Scott returned to between her thighs. She was excited and anxious about the novel act he was about to perform until his lips found her body. Then every anticipatory thought left her head, immediately replaced with only electrically charged pleasure and arousal.

She inhaled sharply as a shocked and delighted squeak of approval formed in the back of her throat. His mouth was soft yet firm, gentle but demanding. Mewling sounds followed as Jean couldn’t help but squirm and writhe against him.

She had forgotten about her hands as the newfound pleasure moved through her body and mind but as Scott found a steady rhythm she was finally able to collect herself enough to consider his words and his request. Her hands traveled down her body and seamlessly encountered his head.

“Oh my god, Scott.” Her words were strained but exalted as his name became a plea for more. Jean ran her fingers through his hair, holding him close to her as she began to drown in pleasure.

Spurred on by the sound of his name, Scott stopped alternating between kissing and twirling. He took Jean's engorgement fully into his suckling lips and doubled his efforts to driver her over the edge. Her fingers moving through his hair and bracing his head into position led him to brace his hands under her backside.

~I have you~ Scott called out to Jean in his mind. ~I love you and you're all mine~

Scott let out an affirmative grunt that spurred him onward in even more loving aggression. His intensity led Scott to pull Jean's entire pelvis into himself even tighter than her hands against his head did. Breathing was a little restricted but every breath was filled with the taste and smell of his beloved. His ears resounded with the keening cries of her pleasure. The little warning spasms told him the time was near when she would release her essence and her heart of hearts to him. He could barely contain himself in anticipation.

Jean’s mews turned into gasping whines as he pressed himself into her. The pressure and the fervor at which he moved caused her to tumble into helpless ecstasy. She pulled on his hair as her thighs tensed and squeezed against his head. Climax had been romanticized as a little death and now Jean understood why.

Everything ceased in that moment and all she could do was succumb to the intense and glorious pleasure that moved through her. Scott felt the physic hold his provided pleasure had on her. Jean wanted to scream his name, she wanted to moan and grind and buck against him but all she could manage were sobbing whines of approval.

Between the crush of Jean's thighs and her lusty moans, Scott had never felt so satisfied in himself. His head bobbed against her orgasmic squeeze as his tongue slathered her with reckless abandon, eking out the last bit of her climax and stretching it into a blissful moment.

Once Jean laid still, Scott pulled himself free and looked down on her quivering body with a wolfish intensity. He took her knees again, this time overhand and pulled her close. Their hips were nearly aligned, so he took Jean's with both hands and invaded them with his state of arousal. The thrusting penetration was slick and easy but he still threw his head back and let out an animalistic grunt.

“Yes!!!” Scott cried out in jubilation. Every one of his senses were already overwhelmed by Jean and now he was beyond even that overwhelm. Feelings and thoughts permeated his body and soul that were not all his own.

The thrusting accelerated to a jackrabbit pace that he couldn't hold back. Scott couldn't slow down or even keep his slack jaw closed. Guttural noises came from his mouth which contrasted with the primitive thoughts of adoration that failed to form complete sentences inside his head.

Jean splayed out beneath Scott as unbridled passion consumed him. Her idle hands fell above her head amongst her tangled red curls as her green eyes remained fixed on him while hungry and savage lust fueled the pace at which he claimed her. The force and desire that he moved with created a different type of haze in her mind. It made everything raw and intense with its overwhelming need for release.

~* ‘Take me.’ *~ A simple request as
Jean mentally joined him in his frenzied need for climax.

Nothing could have stopped Scott from filling her request any more than he filled her body, but it was fuel on the fire nonetheless. Scott's hips rolled back and forth in nearly a blur, bringing a sheen of sweat to his brow that dripped on Jean. His breathing turned ragged, turning each gasp into a grunt.

After an eternal moment of lustful exertion, Scott's fingers dug into the sides of Jean's hips. A short grunt stretched out into a groaning shout. His mouth stretched wide in a triumphant war cry that almost sounded like Jean's name.

Scott lost control from there. His hips kept bucking but they lost all rhythm. Piercing pleasure shot through his groin and up his spine clear to his brain where sight, sound, and time itself lost all meaning in the explosive orgasm. Jean was an ocean and he'd fallen into the deep.

Jean bucked and rolled with him as she found herself lost in his gratification. The urgency and ferocity that overcame him made it easy for her to fall with him. Jean kept his rapid pace until Scott was spent and stilled above her. Her once heavy arms were suddenly spurred to move as she reached out for him, pulling his hot and sweaty body against her own.

“I love you...” Jean kissed him briefly “And holy fuck.” She laughed at her own rare use of profanity and how incredible that had just been.

“That was a holy fuck,” Scott whispered, his voice raspy from being out of breath. Light trembles racked his body from the exertion. “I… I don't even…”

He didn't even know how to finish that sentence. Scott just laughed at his fumbling words and the utter perfection of the moment. All he could think to do was kiss Jean in gratitude, in affection, in just cherishing the fact they were together and sharing such a great moment. Their lips met without him even thinking about how messy that might be.

Jean hugged him close to her as she returned his kiss, savoring the weight of his body and the sticky heat of his skin against her own as the world slowly came back into focus. The air inside the Jeep was humid and caused all the windows to be obscured with condensation, adding to the sensation of how hot and heavy things had gotten between them. While ‘In the Still of the Night’ by The Five Satins was playing on the radio, the doo-wop song adding to the post-coital bliss that filled the small space.

“Maybe we should act out all of your fantasies.” Jean teased him while combing his damp hair off of his face. “I didn’t think today could get any better and then you surprise me with this.”

Scott chuckled at Jean's happy expression. “Sounds good to me,” he said. “Always nice to surprise you now and again.” After kissing her again, he added, “Let's not leave out your fantasies. You surprised me before.”

“Oh I’m not left out… we just usually do them.” Jean bashfully admitted. “Sometimes I pick up on the racy things people think about and then I start to think about what it would be like to do those things with you.” She bit her lower lip to stifle her touch of embarrassment but she didn’t look away from him. “So when we’re together, I just do them.”

A simple explanation for where her bold prowess came from, at least in the moments when things were new and experimental between them. Jean was collecting material from strangers and trying it out with him. “But I like it best when I listen to you and to myself. When we give ourselves to each other and the tone sets itself. It’s not a preconceived thing, it just happens the way it should.”

The way Jean bit her lip was like their early days, back when she was first coming out of her shell. Scott crushed on her even then. That she liked him was a dream come true. Hearing that she fantasized about him so much was out of this world.

“I'll do anything you want,” Scott said. “You just say the word.” What was he saying? Jean was a telepath. “Or just… show me, I guess.”

Jean couldn’t help but laugh at his words and how utterly and completely smitten he was with her. She loved him and that feeling of adoration and infatuation was mutual but there was just something about the way Scott was in awe of her. It made her feel like she was special and cherished.

Scott felt that sudden swell of emotions inside of her. That warm and radiant sensation that occurred when she thought about him and what they meant to one another. He watched the emotions play out on her face, how her features softened and gratitude filled her eyes. It looked like she might cry because of how happy she was with him.

“Hey…” Jean placed a hand on his cheek, as she spoke to him, her voice filled with emotion. “I love you.”

“I’m pretty fond of you by now myself.” Scott bit back his smile but a playful smirk still managed to show through. After his helpless attempt at being demure, he gave her another kiss. “It’s no use. I love you, Jean Grey.”

Scott made another contented sigh and shifted his weight slightly. The motion changed the angle of their skin-to-skin contact and brought awareness to the fact he had been sweating on her all this time. “We really are a mess now, aren’t we?” His rhetorical question made him chuckle with nervous energy. Bringing each other to climax was one thing, but he wasn’t sure how Jean felt about being his gym towel.

“I think it’s par for the course.” Jean said with a slight laugh hoping to ease his nervous concern. “Besides I kind of like it, it means that it was a job well done.” She returned her hands to a position over her head, stretching out beneath him before she gently bucked and rolled herself against him, a movement and caress of skin against skin that helped remind him of how they got here. “But I think it’s ruined training for me because now when I see you sweating and panting afterwards it reminds me of this.” Jean covered her eyes with her hand as she let her own embarrassment sink in. “I hope the Professor hasn’t noticed that but he probably has… ugh!”

“Jeez! Don’t bring him into this!” Scott scrunched his nose as he joined her in laughing. The way Jean sprawled out and presented herself made him quickly forget about anyone else. “You’re a babe. I don’t feel sorry at all for watching you sweat.”

There was a tacit admission of his own in there but Scott didn’t apologize for that either. He had never taunted Jean or treated her like something to be had. She was always a person to him, someone to be admired. But he was only human. His eyes might be covered by one apparatus or another but they still worked just fine.
“Not sure if I have anything left in me…” Scott’s smirk turned mischievous, and his tone low and lurid. “... but keep rubbing against me like that and we’ll find out.”

Jean couldn’t help but coquettishly giggle at the tone he used with her. When he used that deep and faintly authoritative voice it made her toes curl in response. He felt that delightful little thrill move through her in a way that tickled her from the inside out. “That’s a two-way street. If you keep talking to me with that tone of voice I might not be able to help myself.”

She squirmed a little under him as a way to release some of that pent up tension that he had created in her. “When I dropped all those dishes, I think it was the tone of your voice that really made me lose focus.” Her own admission of attraction. While Scott could feel the pull he had on her it was different to openly discuss what excited her.

That little confession evoked a playful grimace from Scott. His eyes clenched shut and his mouth pursed in awkward recollection. “I remember that!” Grimace turning to grin, he laughed at the memory. “We were in so much trouble. I just thought maybe you were tired or felt guilty for going against the Professor. Was it really me all along?”

“It was you.” Jean’s voice dropped to its own soft and husky tone, one reserved exclusively for the bedroom. “It’s always been you.”

“Oh Jean…” Her sultry voice resonated in Scott’s ears and made him tingle all over. Kissing was more irresistible than ever. Sweet affection turned to heartfelt longing in each press of their lips.

Scott felt his breath hasten in his chest, defying the fatigue from earlier with a rekindled passion that went beyond carnal lust into a deep and profound desire to be as one. Along with his quickened breathing came a rapid heartbeat. Jean could feel it begin to pound in his chest.

Mouths opened, tongues probed, soft moans were offered up to one another. The weakness in his body wasn’t from exhaustion. Scott felt unraveled in Jean’s arms, melted away by her meek confession of loving and desiring him before he even understood what that meant. It all came together to form a slow and exalted wave of euphoria that felt lighter than air. Scott couldn’t feel any other part of his body save for his lips which were locked with Jean’s in a seamless love link.

That beautiful sensation of surrender occurred between them as they openly admitted their feelings for one another. From sweetheart, to lust, and then love, it had been a slow burning romance between them that now easily ignited and blazed. His rapid heart rate and heavy breathing were mirrored in her as the heat between them began to surface once more. The simple thought of openly loving each other was more than enough to bring them to rouse again.

The crush and melt of Scott against her body and mind against her allowed Jean to entwine with him. The lissome feeling of her limbs and her psyche wrapped around his own, which created a blissful feeling of unity that made them both feel whole.

~* ‘You said you loved me from the moment you saw me but I don’t think it took me very long to follow.’ *~ Jean's provocative tone whispered in his mind as nipped at his lower lip between lurid kisses. -* ‘You are my beginning and my end, Scott Summers.’ *~

Having someone else’s voice in his mind felt both unusual and completely natural. The juxtaposition always left Scott feeling titillated. When it was a profession of love layered in the distinctive psychic essence that was Jean, her inner voice was like the splash of cold water on a hot day mixed with a warm blanket on a frosty one to his mind.

~You did it better~ Scott thought back. His thoughts were blissfully scattered from Jean’s scintillation. Putty in her hands would’ve had more viscosity. ~You chased me and had me before I even knew it. I could only dream. Like I’m dreaming now~

Another kiss, this one prolonged while Scott siphoned as much feeling from Jean’s lips as a single breath could afford. He caught her tongue when he went to take a breath and wrestled it with his own. The subtle but provocative play made his blood pound in his ears.

She moaned a little louder and a little longer as he tempted her. His slow and ravenous kisses began to have a greater effect on her, causing Jean to writhe and squirm beneath him with the return of her anticipation. A gentle reminder that there was more to her than just her lips.

~* ‘You’re not dreaming.’ *~ Jean sucked on his probing tongue before breaking their heated kiss. She immediately placed a small kiss on his lips, a sweet return after the heated exchange. “I’m all yours.”

As she spoke those words, Scott let his mouth fall free from hers and grace her cheek and jawline to the edge of her hair. The scent of her scarlet locks filled him with the same glee as her landing strip had, awakening a hunger that began to subsume his more reserved desire. He was no longer content with kissing. Scott wanted to taste.

He began anew with her neck, seeking out the crests and ridges formed from her sinews. Lips and teeth pressed and tugged with gentle fervor at her sensitive flesh. He noted which spots made her gasp and tremble, then revisited them again and again. The way she writhed in his arms brought an element of glee to his sensual explorations. It also made his body stiffen against her from head to toe. His excitement was beginning to come to a head.

She moaned and shivered against him as his lips found every delicate place across her neck. Jean roughly swallowed and her breath quickened from his touch as she became increasingly impatient for more than just heavy petting. Scott’s mouth had always been her undoing from lopsided smiles to passionate kisses, the things he did with his mouth drove her absolutely wild. Jean closed her eyes and savored the feel of him across her throat.

“Careful.” Jean playfully laughed as he teased the sensitive skin with his teeth. “I’ll never hear the end of it if you give me a hickey…” He wasn’t sure if she was talking about verbal or mental conversation but then again she probably meant both. “At least in a place anyone can see.”

Taking her cue, Scott moved further down from her neck and left a soft trail of kisses on her breasts. He moved back and forth between them at a slow and leisurely pace, creating a gradual figure-eight path that left no curve or surface of her chest unattended. His hands slid upward to gather her mounds and press them together for more surface area to graze at once. Firm nipples pressed against his thumbs, so he pressed back with slight circular motions in a one-sided war that he won with ease.

“Were you talking about here?” Scott asked between his fondling kisses.

“There will do.” Jean whimpered from her prone and splayed position beneath him. His slow and meticulous attention to her body left her squirming and gasping. Breathy sounds that accentuated the rise and fall of her chest and how sweet his touch was. Scott’s deliberate pace was both satisfying and maddening, it made her want this type of attention lavished upon every inch of his body.

“Anywhere will do.” She arched and pressed her hips into him before her bent knee and inner thigh brushed against the length of his side. It was a small outburst of sexual frustration, a series of movements that helped alleviate some of her smoldering desire.

Scott took her nipple into his mouth while sliding his fingers between her legs. It began with probing fingertips that resumed their earlier rhythm from back in the woods, a light caress to stoke the fires down below.

As Jean responded to his nimble fingers, Scott hastily moved his mouth to her other breast. Where before he had been measured, now he turned ravenous. He took her areola into his mouth, letting his tongue swish it in time with his fingers.

Once Jean couldn't take anymore, Scott surrendered to his own yearning. Slowly and deliberately, he entered Jean again, inch by inch. Full penetration followed by a nearly complete withdrawal sent surges throughout Scott's body. With each exaggerated and bittersweet stroke, he only felt himself grow larger which enhanced the cycle and prolonged each movement.

“Jean…” As good as it felt, the slowness and micro pauses brought Scott to full capacity. He stared down at her as he broke his slow rhythm to force his extended sword more deeply into her sheath. A gasp of delight came out of his mouth at the slow, hard thrust.

“I love you, Jean,” he said, giving voice to his incomplete sentence. Resuming his turtle slow pace, Scott focused his eyes on Jean's lithe form while she twisted and moaned.

Her breath hitched and caught in her throat with each long and languid stroke Scott provided. Soft and quiet sounds that required focus and attention to hear, yet remained just as wanton in nature as her bawdy moans. Jean’s stomach and chest both quaked and hiccupped from the delayed breath, causing her whole body to subtly yearn and savor every inch he gave her.

She felt his intense gaze from behind those ruby lenses, Scott’s honed and sharp vision that took in every movement of her body and face. Her creamy fair skin, the controlled yet hungry rise and fall of her breasts, the touch of blissful worry that troubled her features, all details about her that he would be able to recall at will thanks to his measured and tentative stare.

His proclamation of love caused Jean to reach out for him. Grasping one of his hands, she brought his palm to her lips where she sweetly kissed it before placing the hand on her chest, directly over her heart. Scott felt its strong beats under his touch, her pulse wasn’t labored from exertion but was strong thanks to the budding desire inside of her.

~* ‘I love you.’ *~ Her vibrant green eyes found his, causing him to look up from the curves of her body and their union to see that look of adulation in her gaze, in her soul.

As always, Jean’s mind sent a rush of exhilaration coursing through Scott in body and soul. Those same familiar words which Scott held so dear were a shotgun blast to his chest that pushed him closer to the little death he and Jean were chasing together. Emotion welled up within him, making his chin quiver.

~I love you~ His trembling lips couldn’t form the words, not with the whimper he was fighting back. But the emotive force was clear. He adored Jean from the center of his being. The knowledge of that fact slammed into Jean again and again along with each slow and deliberate thrust.

“Jeeeaannn…” With her name stretched out in a moan, Jean received the only warning she was going to get. Scott fought back the urge to let his hips engage in the rapidfire finish they craved. Instead he simply became more forceful, practically impaling Jean with his drawn out and strained thrusts until completion came.

When it did, Scott’s mouth flung open far and wide. A quiet pianissimo gasp fled his throat and it utterly failed to convey the supernova that erupted inside him. The measured pace had primed him for a sublime release of extraordinary pleasure and feeling. He hovered over Jean, propped up and suspended in a moment of frozen ecstasy.

~Jean…~ His mind reached out for hers through the wash of neurochemistry and utter satisfaction. ~Jean… my love…~

Jean happily welcomed Scott’s mental presence into the shared space between them. A request to be closer to her, to continue to share and know one another. She embraced him in that space, offering that familiar and comforting feeling of her psyche touching his.

She sat up briefly and pulled him in close to her as Jean found her softly spoken release. With her arms wrapped around his neck and her forehead pressed against his, she gasped and shivered next to him and around him. Labored helpless breaths that stilled for an extended moment of time as Jean reached her apex.

Once the tension left their tangled bodies, Jean collapsed into the backseat and brought Scott with her. Clinging to him like she would drown if she let go, Jean held on to him tightly. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling of his body and mind against her own. Jean had given herself to him and in return she felt cherished and adored.

~* ‘Never let go of me.’ *~ Not wanting to ruin the serene stillness between them as the radio played softly in the background, she spoke mind to mind with him. ~* ‘I don’t think I could live without you.’ *~

~I wouldn't want to~ Scott felt a tear shed down his cheek. ~Never leave me~

~* ‘Never’ *~ Jean kissed away his single tear, ignoring the few stray tears that streaked her own cheeks. They were happy tears cried between them as they felt that bond strengthen between them.

Scott shifted onto his side for better limb engagement. His base leg thrust forward between Jean's thighs, allowing him to wrap both of his legs around her inside one. That left his hand to hold her by the thigh of her outside leg that was raised clear to his liver. His other arm wrapped around her entire torso and still had length to play with the ends of her hair.

~Forever seems like such a long time until moments like this~ Scott kissed the top of her head and left his nose nested in her hair. Those locks held an aroma that had arrested every fear he'd ever felt since the time they'd first broken the touch barrier. ~Then it doesn’t feel long enough~

~* ‘The Professor has told me that when powerful telepaths die, their psyche can transcend the need for a body and they can exist in the higher levels of the astral plane. I don’t know if I’m capable of something like that but I’d like to think I could find that piece of forever… with you.’*~ He had asked her to share her fantasies with him. Jean, who was so scared of death and the horrible separation it created, had come up with her own dream to circumvent it. To find a way to continue without being alone, that was Jean’s fantasy. ~* ‘When I say forever, it’s my hope to always find you, to always have you with me because I would be lost without you.’ *~

It all sounded so foreign and surreal to Scott that he needed a moment to wrap his mind around it. After a bit of pondering, he reached a conclusion.

~That sounds like… Heaven~ Such a notion sounded so silly on the face of it but Scott couldn't keep from smiling despite it all. ~If there is such a thing as an astral telepathic afterlife, count me in with you. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I might get lost without you though. You'll need to show me the way~

Jean hugged him so tightly that it hurt her arms to maintain the strength of her embrace as a heartbreakingly beautiful sense of relief came over her. She had been told to seek life, to find hope, and she found those things with Scott. Knowing that he truly wanted those things with her and that he would always be there for her, it made Jean a little less scared of what the future might hold.
~* ‘If you are lost, I will always find you. I won’t stop until I do. Because I need you as much as you need me.’ *~

Scott sniffled a little at that. What she said was so crazy. She was a pinup girl, a wicked smart and talented queen among girls who could have any pick from the long line of guys who would jump at the chance to be with her.

What he didn't do was doubt her. It wasn't just words that Jean shared with him. Whenever she shared thoughts between their psychic connection, it was everything. Words, feelings, concepts, somehow the entire package was zipped over from her to him.

That meant that no matter how little sense it made to him, Scott knew Jean wasn’t exaggerating. He knew it like he saw the sun rise and set. Scott Summers and Jean Grey were a package deal. There was not one without the other.

~Thank you for choosing me~ The gratitude bubbled from Scott's heart as he processed and accepted what she'd expressed to him. ~No matter what, I'll always choose you. There was never anyone but you and there never will be. I just can't shake the feeling you chose me first. For that I'll always be grateful~

~* ‘I chose you because of your conviction and your integrity. Life had been so cruel to you and yet you remained so strong and true to yourself. You’ve always wanted to do good, to be better, even when the world showed you nothing but hardship. Sure, there were walls built to protect yourself from the pain but the choices you made, they were still those of a person who believed in good, who was good. Not everyone would have turned out the same in your situation. And when I needed someone to remind me that there was good in the world, you showed it to me.’*~ Jean ran her fingers across the lines of his chest before resting a hand on his heart.
~* ‘Then I saw that lonely, sad person and all I wanted to do was love him. To give him that thing he so desperately wanted and needed. Because in loving you, I found myself.’ *~

She shook her head in correction of something, an odd gesture when speaking telepathically but it flowed with her thoughts. ~* ‘No one chose anyone, it wasn’t a matter of making a selection because there wasn’t anyone else to pick from, there was no contest. We saw each other and nothing else mattered.’ *~

All of that made so much sense that Scott wondered how he hadn't seen it that way from the start. His mind drifted back once again to when they'd first met several years earlier. They were only children then, both strangers in a strange mansion. Even though they had been scared, they had come together like drops of water.

~You and me were meant to be. Like destiny~ Scott chuckled at the rhyme his mind had formed. ~I’m still going to be grateful for you. Destiny doesn't happen every day~

~* ‘You can be grateful, I’m grateful. I see amazing, inspiring, brave things inside of you. I fell in love with you because you are worthy of love.’*~ Jean tilted her head up and placed a kiss on the cleft of his chin.

The person Scott showed the world was one of unwavering confidence but when alone with Jean, she saw this vulnerable side of him. Her telepathy had granted her that access at first but now he shared it with her willingly. These stolen moments away from the school did more than satisfy their carnal desires.

~* ‘Call it destiny if you want to, but always remember that it wasn’t divine intervention that made me love you, it was simply you.’ *~

Scott lowered his chin and stole a kiss from her lips. ~Right place, right time~

Even though Jean couldn't see his eye wink, she knew it was there. Between the tic of his cheek and the flirty pulse from his mind it was hard to miss.

~Right person~ Scott followed the quick peck with a longer, more sensual one. ~That was all I meant. I can't wait to see what comes next for us~

Scott turned hopeful. One day they might be done with the X-Men or even take the Professor's place with a new generation. Maybe they would have a child walk their same path or forge an entirely new one. The sky was the limit when it came to them.

~Whatever it is will be as amazing as you are~ But Scott corrected himself. ~As amazing as we are~


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